Monday, 1 June 2009

Customized Gods

Recently it has been interesting to track the evolution of such spontaneous event occured at an unofficial brainstorming session with The Rakhi, The Wild Bull and The Dude (name changed for no reason) is a dedication-

How the market has changed? 
industrial revolution for quantity followed by focus on quality then augmented products and services and now customized solutions (tangible or intangible)..this has been the evolutionary change in product space

How new products and concepts hit market in todays socio-economic landscape and a techno-driven society? 
Firstly capture the IT world..the most penetrative medium to educate or train human beings to accept a change. Advertise on phone, on websites..numb the brain to thinking it isnt a new product..its always been around.

Stage 1 the dice

for every individual customized google homepages..context driven adds..Mont Blancs with with personal signatures..customized jeans..(why did phones get left behind..Nokia Hello????)

And it wont stop within the cyber IT space..thats just the introduction..thats where we get used to a concept remember....Yeah! go ahead..
customize the air we breathe..its not ours to claim so there is room for some muscling to buy the rights and ensuring we get air specially designed for our specific body requirements..maybe after gym we need some extra oxygen..and while sleeping someone else needs much less, who knows this might actually begin something..

Stage 2 the roll

How about India as it is there are what.. many thousands? so maybe we have customized Gods, like GOD for Marriage during the December season, GOD for Election especially commissioned every 5 yrs..

With some cheap media gimmicks and publicity might even get accepted..considering our enormous potential to digest right about ANYTHING.
and then franchises in Villages..

Something like Mr Birlas Private Temple Limited and every few months some new GODs will be sent to all franchises depending upon regional urgencies..

A GOD for reducing tourist rapes in Jaipur
A GOD for helping the AIDS patients in Calcutta
Here a GOD there a GOD everywhere a DOG GOD

Stage 3 the number

But there is a venture which WILL work..All India Shreks on Phone..

Like calling a friend..share your problem and who knows a fresh mind may give a good solution..
such a telephone call might stop suicides..mental traumas..
in a country where fathers are raping daughters..policemen slap their juniors..NGO's are labelled commercially kids get beaten to the grave by teachers..we need some SHREK and very soon..

Call "HELP ME" at 18001800*  

*2 Rs /min+maybe some other rates :)

What say THOU loaded ANGELS?

Here is a proof of concept